Monday, March 7, 2011

Ubuntu.... Attempt Part 2

Well, this is my first post after a very long time.  Just thought that I shall share some thoughts.

Recently I installed Ubuntu after a few months. This was my second attempt at trying out a Linux Distro. The first time I had tried it, the entire experiment was a complete disaster. Nothing seemed to be in the right place, and whatever I tried, just seemed to end in a disaster.

This time, when I installed it, the first thing I did was I changed the theme since I had gotten very irritated with the entire look of the default linux theme.  So, in my journey of installing my Ubunutu, I learnt a few small things that might help make your lives a little better.

·         While installing Ubuntu, at the “ Who are you” Screen, enter your name. The Username can be the same as your name, but make sure that the first letter of your name is not in Caps. Otherwise, the installation will not go forward. Yes, Weird, I know

·         Install VLC player first. Else you will not be able to watch any movies on the comp. Download it from the Software centre or from the terminal using the command sudo apt–get install vlc

·         Change the Window Buttons like Close, Maximize, Minimize etc to the right hand side to make the transition easier.  Do the below

§  Press Alt+F2 to bring up the Run Application dialog box, enter “gconf-editor” in the text field, and click on Run.
§  The Configuration Editor should pop up.
§  The key that we want to edit is in apps/metacity/general.
§  Click on the + button next to the “apps” folder, then beside “metacity” in the list of folders expanded for apps, and then click on the “general” folder.
§  The button layout can be changed by changing the “button_layout” key. Double-click button_layout to edit it.
§  Change the text in the Value text field to: menu:minimize,maximize,close

So, you guys can start off with this. once I come across more things, I shall keep posting them.

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