Monday, March 17, 2008

I Think

I think I over analyze and over think things.

I bet my girl friend's going to be laughing her head off when she reads this.

Kiss? What is a Kiss?

You know how your relationship just kinda gets boring? The kisses don’t hold the same appeal? Well that had happened to me some time ago. The kisses in my relationship some how didn’t hold the same appeal….. they just kinda got……. Boring…….

Without going into personal details, lemme just say that my girlfriend and I discussed it and we both felt the same. I decided that I’m not gonna give up without a fight. Next time, I resolved to make it memorable. So, I tried a few things, and anyways, now things are pretty much perfect. That got me thinking, what constitutes a kiss?

Is a kiss just a mish mash, jumble, dueling of tongues, teeth, lips and saliva? I know it sounds gross, but hey, that’s what it basically is right? (I love kissing btw). And since I love kissing, I’m kinda inclined to think that it’s much more than that. Anyways, back to the basic deed. When you kiss (and I’m talking only from a guy’s point of view here. I don’t even want to consider looking at it from a girl’s point of view. Things are just too weird in a girl’s head).

Anyways, when you kiss, is only using your mouth good enough? Is that all what a kiss is supposed to be? From my experience, only using your mouth (and i'm talking about the mouth as a whole with everything it has) doesn’t do it. I’m guessing that no matter how good a kisser you are, the kiss by itself doesn’t have the same spark it used to after some time.

Is it like a drug that the body gets used to and fails to respond to? Do you need higher doses or better stuff to make you feel that familiar, amazing tingling? (Hey! That’s what some women have told me……. Tingling…… Interesting word isn’t it….. Wonder how it feels…… :D…….. Just kidding….. :D )

Anyways, so, in order to get that ‘higher dose’, does one need to do better things? More things? Like maybe use your hands on different part of the woman’s body? And if you do use your hands, can you consider it a part of kissing? Is that a kiss? Because, well, you aren’t using just you mouth. And then, because of this, are you slowly progressing to foreplay? (I know that kissing is a part of foreplay, but I’m talking about only kissing under the circumstances that you don’t want to or can’t go any further than kissing.)

Also, is a kiss a yardstick or a measurement of how your relationship is? Is it an ECG (the test that tell you whether your heart is fine or not in medical terms) of the relationship?

“I’m sorry sir, the ECG of your relationship came out. It’s bad news. Based on your kiss, you relationship is deteriorating. Soon, it will be dead.” ------ You might not get that. You'll have be my head to actually understand that. (Now I feel like Dr. John Dorian, also known as J.D. from Scrubs.)

(I think I watch too much T.V.)

I mean, how do you know whether or not your relationship is working? If someone or something had to tell you that your relationship's going to last would you listen to them? Similarly, is the kiss a benchmark or a measurement of your relationship? Is the kiss the thing that tells you "Your relationship is perfect! Don't worry.......!"

I felt like Carrie from Sex and the City while writing this blog :D

A Male version, of course.

(I definitely watch TOO much T.V.)

Re: Love

Let me just clarify my stand...... after reading my blog on love, some might think that i'm against the entire concept of love or atleast against the word love...... let me just say that this isn't so. I'm not against love or the word love. I'm only against the entire way that the word "Love" is being used nowadays. The way most people use the word, just demeans the entire concept. They use it casually, off handedly, and kinda like an off the shoulder kinda way.

Now, i'm not saying that i know what love is. But i'd like to believe that it is much more than what people think it is. To me, it just seems kinda shallow. This might seem like a contradiction to what i posted earlier, but let me assure you, those were thoughts. These are opinions. Get the difference?

Anyways, suppose you're with a girl for sometime, you kiss her, make out with her, and then you end up saying that you love her. Is that what love is? A consolation prize so that the girl doesn't feel used? That's just wrong! (In all respects) (Pardon my usage of words. I'm been watching too much of 'That 70's Show' and might sound like Kelso) :D

Anyways, Back to the point. Is that what love is?

I sincerely hope not.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Flaw in the Matrix series

This post is just to get it out there that there is a small, but very crucial flaw in the entire matrix series. But, this in no way diminishes the greatness of the series.

Most people know that there is the Matrix, Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions. But there is also another bunch of animated movies called the Animatrix. This is a compilation of quite a few short stories that give us a background of the matrix series and also fills in the gaps of the three movies.

In the Animatrix, there is one small but cruicial line that voids the entire Matrix series. Due to this line, the matrix shouldn’t even exist.

In the movie The Second Renaissance, Part 2, the humans are at war with the machines. The humans try everything. They even drop nuclear weapons. But nothing seems to affect them. The narrator says that the machines survive because they can stand the heat of the bombs.

But that’s not all there is to nuclear weapons. Is there?

In the Matrix, the machines can supposedly be stopped with EMP (electro magnetic pulse) weapons. BUT! When and how was EMP discovered?! EMP was discovered during the first nuclear bomb test, called the Trinity tests. Every nuclear bomb gives off a powerful EMP! Each and every one!!!!

SO, How did the machines survive the onslaught?

Technically the Matrix should never have existed and the machines should have been destroyed! See the logic?


Morpheus in the Matrix said “What is real? How do you define real?” that is the question that I want to ask today. With a little bit of a tweak of course. I want to ask “What is truth? How do you define truth?” Morpheus’s answer to Neo was that reality is just tiny electrical signals that are interpreted by the brain. My answer, or rather, my question is that, is truth just another electrical signal in the brain? Is truth relative? Does it depend on each person’s view and outlook to life? Due to this is, can truth be manipulated to suit our own personal and private agenda?

My friend (who I will be mentioning more in later blogs) and I used to have long talk over bottles of coke, talking about truth, life, and pretty much everything else. For us, truth is relative. What might be true to you might not be true for me. A few definitions of truth that I have seen are that

  1. a generally accepted fact (in this case I would like to term it as a generally accepted notion)
  2. the true or actual state of the matter
  3. agreement with a standard

I mean, is that what truth is? Is it just a notion that everyone has accepted? Just because everyone has accepted it, does it mean it’s true?

What is the truth for you?

What is Love?

Love is supposed to be an extreme emotion towards another human being. Love is supposed to be a feeling that is supposed to be all consuming, all encompassing and pure. Isn’t it? But then is the “love” we have for our wives, girl friends, husbands, boy friends, love? Isn’t love supposed to be an emotion that gives whole and soul without expecting anything in return? If you’re in love, aren’t you supposed to accept your partner just the way he or she is? If that is so, why do couples fight? If you fight doesn’t it just mean that you haven’t truly accepted your partner and want them to be the way you are and the way you want them to be? Does this just mean that this might not be love?

Also, what about all the physical intimacy? Is this a reason to fall in love or is it just a perk? If it’s a reason, then again, we might not actually be in love. Can anyone truly say that they love their partners without actually being intimate with them? And I’m not just talking bout the early stages. What if even after a few months, maybe a few years, your partner hasn’t gotten physically intimate with you. Can you truly say that you still love them? Is love just another word for sex? (I know that it is used that way sometimes! But you know what I mean.). Is sex the reason you fall in love? Is love just a dumb short circuit in the brain so that the species can procreate and survive? (I know homosexuality exists, and cannot contribute to procreation, but lets just concentrate on heterosexuality for the moment).

So, I ask again,

What is love?

Comments as usual are welcome.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A thought to ponder over……

This post was originally posted on facebook "notes". Just thought that you might enjoy it. (Goa was a year ago and now, i'm back to the place where i usually am)

Warning: Please read if you extremely bored and have no other work to do in life. Read this only after you have read all the other Notes of all your other friends on Facebook and have read the entire Scrapbook of your friends on Orkut. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you coz, I don’t want people calling me up and running after me with knives saying that I just wasted 10 minutes of their precious free time.

Consider yourselves WARNED!

I bet everyone’s heard of the “Why did the chicken cross the road” jokes. But have you ever wondered which demented mind came up with this kind of a question? I know… sounds like a pretty weird thing to be thinking about…. But a few days ago I was forced to ponder over this. Well, I don’t know who came up with these jokes but I have a pretty good idea about where the thought came from.

Well, most of you know that I’ve been in Goa for the past 5 months, ie, since November. Anyways, I live in a small village kind of a thing in North Goa, near the Taj Holiday Village and the Fort Aguada. They call these places ‘vaddo’s. Btw, for all you uninformed, I’m training at the Fort Aguada Beach Resort. Back to the point…. I was on my way home from the hotel on my bike and I entered my lane. This lane has lots of dogs, cats, pigs, and of course, chickens. So, as I was going, there was this chicken on the left hand side of the road. And by the left, I mean way, way, extreme left. The bloody thing had absolutely no reason to move from the point where it was standing, oh so peacefully, lost in it’s own world. I was at least 2 feet from the damn thing. So as I was going, this chicken started running right next to my bike and all the while, it was furiously flapping its wings (I was going pretty slow). Suddenly the chicken just zoomed across the road, right in front of my bike, barely missing the front tire. All this while, I was just observing the creature wondering what it the hell was it trying to do?! Commit suicide? The question popped in my head, “Why did the chicken cross the road?!” It stuck me that this line sounded mighty familiar. And of course, THEN it hit me that this was an entire sequence of jokes. I realized that the guy who thought of these jokes must have had a similar incident happen to him. :D I bet that was the start of all the ‘why did the chicken cross the road jokes’.

This has happened to me quite a few times since the first incident and now whenever this happens to me, invariably I ask myself “Why did the chicken cross the road?” and I burst out laughing…. And you know what? I have come to realize, there is only one possible explanation to all this. Only one answer to this question….. “To get to the other side” :D

I warned you………

The Sphinx

A Sphinx is a zoomorphic mythological figure, depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. It has its origins in sculpted figures of Old Kingdom Egypt, to which the ancient Greeks applied their own name for a female monster, the "strangler", an archaic figure of Greek mythology. Similar creatures appear throughout South and South-East Asia, and the sphinx enjoyed a major revival in European decorative art from the Renaissance onwards.


The name I chose for my self as you can see is Sphinx. This is also my gamer name (as in the name I use when I’m playing games ;) ). The Sphinx is supposed to be a monster having the head of a woman (though I’m quite comfortable with my sexuality and am most definitely a man. Hence for obvious reasons, I’m going to modify this to having the head of a man), the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. The Sphinx is best known in Egyptian mythology but Sphinxes have known to be present in Greek, Babylonian, and also Indian mythology.

The Sphinx was supposed to be a dangerous creature. It only asked one simple riddle. If you couldn’t answer, it would kill you. The riddle was “What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night?” Oedipus (Greek Mythology) managed to answer the riddle and The Sphinx promptly killed itself.

A Sphinx is supposed to be a mysterious person who asks enigmatic questions. I’d like to believe that I’m an enigma, but unfortunately some of my friends would disagree. But hey, I’d like to live in my own little deluded world where I’m supposedly a mysterious person. :D

Readers, kindly pardon some of my first few blogs coz I’m kinda getting the hang of this and hopefully you’ll enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy thinking them ;)